Holidays on Organic Farms in Austria Let’s Look Around the Farmer’s Garden

Can you smell it? The scent of fresh herbs and lavender wafts towards you from the farmer’s garden. Living and working in harmony with nature and livestock, that’s the farmers’ top priority. On our certified organic farms in Austria, you will spend perfectly natural holidays. Learn how agriculture is balanced with the needs of our environment. Start your day fresh as a daisy with an organic breakfast.

Quality & Trust

  • 100 % Bio

    Honest, fair and without compromises

  • Streng kontrolliert 

    Regularly controlled by the association Bio Austria

  • Natürlicher Genuss

    Only organic products are served

Kühe auf der Wiese | © Urlaub am Bauernhof / Markus Lackinger


Healthy produce, healthy plants, healthy soil, animal welfare and sustainability are standards for organic farming. 365 days a year.

Guests are welcome to participate in farm life and to learn what makes sustainable farming so much better. Look forward to a large variety of organic products: locally grown and seasonal food, partly produced on site, partly bought from other organic farmers.

frische Bauernbrote auf dem Regal | © Urlaub am Bauernhof Burgenland / Wolfgang Pummer


The cock crows at sunrise and the first rays of sunshine shine through your window - it’s time to jump out of bed!

The farmers have prepared a special breakfast for you to help you fully wake up: tea from fresh peppermint leaves picked in the garden, a slice of home-made whole grain bread, jams and spreads, delicious types of cheese and cold cuts produced on the farm - everything in organic quality, of course.

This way, getting up is not that hard anymore ...

Selbst gebrannter Schnaps wird in Stamperl eingeschenkt | © Urlaub am Bauernhof Oberösterreich / Ralph Fischbacher


Have you ever watched someone distilling fruit spirits? What about tasting the fine spirits right before they’re ready?

Learn everything about the art of distillation from your hosts. How is fruit turned into distinctive spirits? What are the regulations? Which types of fruit are used? Of course, you can also buy the produce directly on the farm.

More Organic Farms in Austria

© Golf- und Thermenregion Stegersbach / Karl Schrotter

Farm Experiences FARM PRODUCTS - 100% ORGANIC

A healthy lifestyle, sustainable agriculture and high-quality organic food are important to you? The organic farms in Austria are deeply rooted in nature.

From A as in apple to Z as in zucchini: plants and herbs on those organic farms are produced in their purest form. Only fresh and tasty food is served. See for yourself!

Frau mit einem Esel | © Urlaub am Bauernhof / Punkt und Komma


Be a farmer for a day ... let’s go to the barn! The hosts show you how the animals live on an organic farm. Learn where your food comes from.

Help the farmers plant, ridge and harvest the potatoes. Show how fit and strong you are when mucking out the cow barn. Once you get involved, you’ll see how much work it is but also how meaningful and joyful it can be.

Immerse yourself in farm life and get to know a simple and down-to-earth lifestyle.

Familie sitzt um das Lagerfeuer am Parschhof auf einer Holzbank | © Urlaub am Bauernhof / Punkt und Komma


Sleep in the hay, speed down a curvy toboggan run, ride across the pastures on horseback, let the tractor take you across the open fields, ...

There’s plenty of exciting activities awaiting you on the organic farms in Austria. Fun for all ages!

Frau und Kinder beim Brotbacken | © Urlaub am Bauernhof Kärnten/ Daniel Gollner

A lot of our guests stay on our farm because they want to show their kids where our food comes from. They want to make them understand that it’s a lot of work and effort to produce food. Often, they remember what their grandma has taught them long ago.

Gerhild Hartweger, Farmer and host on the farm “Landgut Moserhof”
eine Ziege steht auf einem Holzbalken | © Urlaub am Bauernhof / Punkt und Komma

You Are Ready for an Organic Farm Stay, if You ...

... fancy a “real” holiday. You care about sustainably grown food? Free from artificial additives? Then, an organic farm in Austria is the place to be!

... care about animal welfare. Enough space, light and a balanced diet of the animals are central to the organic farmers’ activities.

... are looking for fun activities. For kids and grown-ups alike: enjoy the most delightful time of the year in an exciting and diverse environment.

Order your gift voucher now, print it at home and send it to someone special. It’s not just a holiday, it’s the pure joy of life!

Would you like to leaf through great holiday ideas and get inspired? Order your free brochure now (available in German). 


Andrea Sommerauer

Holidays on the Farm in Austria