In the Klostertal valley, farmers and restaurants have joined forces: The association “Klostertaler Bauerntafel” stands for locally grown food. Products from the local farmers can be purchased in taverns and restaurants across the valley. Wrapped up with great care, placed in a gift box, you can choose from dried apples, pillows filled with stone pine flakes, cheese manufactured in the mountain cabins, natural lip balms with propolis and much more. In spring and autumn, it’s all about indulging in culinary delights. The motto is: “Landwirt trifft Gastwirt” or “farmer meets landlord” as we would say in English. For a few weeks, it’s all about local delicacies from the Klostertal valley. The event is called “Klostertaler Genusswochen”. The grand opening: a tour of culinary delights and indulgence. Visitors simply hop on and off a bus that takes them from one restaurant to the next. In the Großes Walsertal Biosphere Reserve, the local herb experts give you an insight into the realm of plants. They call themselves “Alchemilla herb women”. Join them on a guided walk, book a workshop or try their plant-based products such as herb salt, soap, ointments or balms. Do you prefer working with your own two hands? Learn how to bake bread from Pauline Burtscher in her workshop “Paulinarium” in Ludesch near Bludenz. In small dairies, you can try making fresh cheese. There are plenty of workshops that open their doors to guests. From felting to candle-making and other arts and traditional craftsmanship (or should we say craftswomanship?) - look out for the network “LandHandwerkerinnen”. You can meet these woman who are committed to preserving their cultural heritage in every region of Vorarlberg.
Thorsten Bayer
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