Helping on the Farm

Lush green fields, orchards and the mountains of SalzburgerLand in the background. Cows, sheep and goats roam freely and graze on the lush green grass. The farmer took you along on his tractor. Together, you’re riding across the open fields and meadows. Have you always wanted to know what kind of work is involved on a farm, or have you ever wanted to lend a hand? Then you've come to the right place!

Ein Bub füttert mit dem Trettraktor die Kühe im Stall. | © Urlaub am Bauernhof im SalzburgerLand / Daniel Gollner

Hands-On Work on the Farm during Your Summer Holiday

Back on the farm, you’re heading off to the barn to see the dairy cattle and their friends with bristles. Mucking out, milking and feeding are part of the daily schedule! So, how do you like the image in your head? Nice? Perfect! Pitch in on the farm and work with the farmers, side by side. Lend a hand, exert yourself - that’s the name of the game! 

Why not roll up your sleeves in summer? Get to know the real farm life during your farm holiday in Austria? 

Bäuerin Maria Höpflinger füttert ihre Kühe im Stall. | © Urlaub am Bauernhof im SalzburgerLand / Daniel Gollner

Diverse Tasks on the Farm

Threshing, ploughing and bringing in the hay, followed by making silage and storing it for the upcoming winter. These are only some of the many tasks in the fields. That’s what farmers do for a living.

At home, there’s work in the barn to be done: mucking out, milking, feeding and repairing fences. The farmer’s wife takes care of the livestock, plants vegetables in beds and harvests apples. You can actively help and support her on the farm. 

And the best thing is: after the work has been done, you’ll get a reward for your effort and hard work! Taste and enjoy the fantastic products from the farm. The hosts share their table with you and your family. Together, you savour everything that Austria’s nature has to offer!

Heuernte, Oberhaushof, Mittersill, SalzburgerLand | © Bernd Suppan / Urlaub am Bauernhof SalzburgerLand

Get a Glimpse of Farm Life

A day on the farm is probably entirely different to what you’re used to from home. Roll up your sleeves, set to work and pitch right in. Spend the whole day outdoors enjoying the fresh air. Pal up with the animals.

Savour the delicious flavour of the dishes from the farmer’s kitchen at dinner. Be happy. Summer holidays on the farm in Austria can be so nice. How about spending this year’s holiday on a traditional Austrian farm?

Familie Essl, Gut Neusess, Mauterndorf, Salzburger Land

"Going to the barn together, fetching the eggs, feeding the animals, going to the mountain pasture together, that is a particularly precious time for many.

Sieglinde and Alois Eßl, Gut Neusess

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Hannes zieht seine Mitarbeiterinnen im Leiterwagen.  | © Urlaub am Bauernhof im SalzburgerLand/Bernd Suppan

Urlaub am Bauernhof im SalzburgerLand

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