Holidays on Vitality Farms in Upper Austria Fit and Healthy during Your Holiday

An enticing scent wafts towards you from the farmer’s snack garden: fresh herbs! The tasty red berries are begging to be picked. Living and working in harmony with nature and livestock, that’s the farmers’ top priority on our vitality farms in Upper Austria. On our certified farms, you will spend perfectly natural holidays. Learn how agriculture is balanced with the needs of our environment. Savour organically produced food and relax in rooms that are furnished with natural materials. Your hosts have designed lovely spa areas just for you. A Kneipp bath will refresh your senses! Here, you can simply spoil yourself and recharge your batteries.

HEalth comes first

Revive your senses in harmony with nature - that's what the Ganglmaier family encourages their guests to do. On their farm Zehentnerhofes in Upper Austria, three generations have already hosted guests. An attractive array of activities allows guests of all ages to spend a regenerative break in an idyllic setting.

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Quality & Trust

  • Wohlfühlgarantie

    Body, mind and soul in harmony with nature

  • Natürlich wohnen

    Austrian stone pine and lavender bring your natural forces to life

  • Anwendungen

    Recharge your batteries with a herbal bath, poultice & massage

Certified Vitality Farms in Upper Austria OUR TOP PICKS FOR YOU

Schlafzimmer Familienbauernhof Ederbauer in Flachau, Salzburger Land | © Urlaub am Bauernhof Salzburger Land / Bernd Suppan

A Healthy Sleep RELAX AND LET GO

The fun and excitement of a great holiday doesn’t end at bedtime! Quite the opposite: On our certified vitality farms in Upper Austria, you can be sure to wake up fully relaxed. And there’s a special reason for it.

Have you ever heard of the power of Austrian stone pine? This majestic tree is also known as the “queen of the Alps”. It grows at especially high altitudes. These trees are gnarly loners. They can live to be a thousand years old. And they emit a very pleasing scent.

Farmers have known it for ages. Now, science has proven it to be a fact: Wood furnishings made of Austrian stone pine benefit physical and mental health. After a good night’s sleep in a bed made of Austrian stone pine, you’ll wake up twice as relaxed! Find out if there is one in the vitality farm of your choice!


Natürliche Materialien für das Räucherritual liegen auf dem Tisch | © Urlaub am Bauernhof Oberösterreich / Ralph Fischbacher


Purely natural remedies. Learn how to make a poultice with fresh herbs on our vitality farms. How interesting! You will be amazed about the herbs’ healing power.

Applied as a warm or cold compress, using potatoes or quark: poultices are traditional natural remedies to soothe pain and speed up the healing process. Herbs are a wonderful gift from mother nature. They are used as ingredients for meals, seasoning, natural skin care or naturopathy. A lot of farms have specialised on the “world of herbs”. Here, you’ll get professional advice.

You’re also welcome to get active yourself, accompanied by an experienced botanical guide. Come and explore the herb garden, the alpine pastures or the forest. You’ll learn a lot about the manifold uses of herbs. Which herb is used for what purpose? When is the best time to harvest them? And how? Is it better to cut, pick or tear?

The real fun begins when you make herbal pillows, poultices, pastes, ointments or tea together. Stay on a farm specialised on herbs. From there, you’ll take home more than just a relaxed mind. The farmers will be happy to pass on useful tips and advice. Simply try it yourself!

Ruheraum und Panoramapool im Almresort Baumschlagerberg in Vorderstoder | © Urlaub am Bauernhof Oberösterreich / Nikolaus Berger


Winding down and leaving the daily grind behind - that’s the goal of every holiday. Every vitality farm is also an oasis of well-being.

Isn’t it fantastic to sit in the sauna after a strenuous hike? Take in the fragrance of tangy herbs added to the water that you’re pouring onto the sauna stones. Take a swim, relax in the jacuzzi or let your mind wander in the Infrared sauna. Find inner peace.

A lot of farms offer seminars and workshops such as guided hiking tours, fasting programmes or yoga retreats. Holidays full of pleasure and relaxation - no ifs and buts! Simply ask your hosts and farmers if they’d like to step on the mat with you.

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Blumenwiese | © Urlaub am Bauernhof / Punkt und Komma

A Healthy Setting HERBS & MORE

The air in the barn is not only special but also healthy. Research has shown that children who grow up on a farm suffer less often from allergies compared to children living in the city. It’s the combination of the relaxing scent of lavender in the herb patch, the fresh vegetables from the garden and the healthy air in the barn.

The farm is the place where our food comes from. Here, you’ll get fresh and locally grown produce. There’s no other place where you’ll eat as healthy as on our certified vitality and organic farms in Upper Austria. In the farmer’s kitchen, your hosts reinvent traditional recipes. Simply come and see for yourself! 

Drei Kinder im Stall beim Esel | © Urlaub am Bauernhof / Punkt und Komma


Do you smell that tangy scent of hay in the cow barn? The farmer’s wife pets the calves with loving care. Look, they are happily licking her hand! Leo, the dog, rushes up wagging its tail and begging for some food.

On the farm, there’s a great deal of trust and a profound connection between humans, animals and nature. Contact with animals is something very special. A direct form of partnership, relying on nonverbal communication in particular. It’s known to be an enriching experience because, incidentally, you’ll gain experience which will also be useful back at home. Animals are honest.

Once the kittens have chosen you to be their playmate, you simply can’t help it - you have to laugh and play with them in the meadow. Not only the kids are happy about that...

Radler seitlich von hinten auf dem Weg zur Alm | © Katja Stadler / Urlaub am Bauernhof


Do something good for your health: go outside, explore the woods and meadows, climb the summits and jump into the crystal-clear lake. Nature doesn’t cost a penny, it’s always there for us and it’s as close as it can be during your stay on a vitality farm in Upper Austria.

In summer or in winter, with your kids, your partner or your friends: get active outdoors and feel your energy levels rise up!

On the farm, you’re surrounded by nature. It’s just so inviting to go outside - no matter the weather. Go for a long walk, set out on a demanding hike, take a morning run through the forest or grab your Nordic walking poles and explore the surroundings. Keen cyclists will find plenty of opportunities around the farm they’re staying in.

On rainy days, you can simply put on your rubber boots (or ask if your hosts have some in your size) and hit the road. You’ll be amazed how good it feels!

Dame kniet bei Bergsee | © Katja Stadler / Urlaub am Bauernhof

You Are Ready for a Vitality Farm Stay, if You ...

...are looking for well-being. The peaceful nature, the happy cackling of hens, a healthy diet - farm holidays in Upper Austria regenerate body, mind and soul.

...want to recharge your batteries. Come to rest, disconnect from the bustle of daily life and fully unwind on the farm. Energise and regain your strength!

...appreciate what nature gives us. Close to wildlife, plants and herbs, a stay on the vitality farm makes you rediscover nature in all its variety.

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Urlaub am Bauernhof Oberösterreich

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