Peaceful Activities in the Snow A Quiet Winter’s Day

As the days start to get shorter and your favourite place is next to the tiled stove where you are nice and snug in the warm living room ... as the scent of tea and candles hangs in the air and the fluffy snowflakes softly fall to the ground ... suddenly, it’s so quiet.

Ottenstein reservoir in snowy Waldviertel landscape  | © Waldviertel Tourismus / Robert Herbst

Peaceful Wintertime

Nature is at peace with itself, under a blanket of snow. It brings along a heavenly silence which does everybody good, humans and animals alike. Now, you can leave your cares behind and unwind.

Are you familiar with the effect that the white winter landscape has on you? Relaxation, physical activity and a hot chocolate take on a new meaning after a long walk in the snow. On our farms offering farm holidays in Austria, you can start your winter activities in the enchanting countryside right at the doorstep. Choose the activities you like and enjoy. It’s up to you!

By the way, your hosts have the best insider tips for peaceful activities in the snowy landscape. The farmers know the most stunning vantage points in the region and every hidden favourite spot. Perhaps they even take you on a discovery tour!

A couple snowshoeing in the sunshine in the Waldviertel region | © Waldviertel Tourismus / Robert Herbst

4 Peaceful Activities for Your Quiet Winter Break 1. Snowshoeing and Winter Walks

A thick layer of freshly fallen snow covers the fields and meadows. The snow crunches as you step on it and the sun is sparkling on the pristine, white layer of snow. Is there anything better than leaving the very first footprints while you walk through the peaceful landscape letting your mind wander?

Have you ever tried snowshoeing? With snowshoes on, you can even take a walk through deep, freshly fallen snow. The first steps might seem unfamiliar but you will soon see how much fun it is. Now, it’s time for a perfect indulgence. The journey is the reward.

Woman walking with toboggan in winter landscape | © Mostviertel Tourismus /

2. Tobogganing and Sledging

What’s this, in front of the farmhouse? You’re right, it’s a groomed toboggan run! Hooray! Hop on the sledge and off you go. It takes a while to learn how to steer and brake. But an emergency stop that has you ploughing into a pile of snow is also heaps of fun. But what if there’s no toboggan run in the vicinity?

On a lot of farms, right outside the front door, you can find meadows that are ideal for sledging. The young and young at heart compete on two runners. Who’s the fastest?

3. Riding in a Horse-drawn Sleigh

When you hear a breathing sound and the tinkling of bells, it’s not the Christkind (the Austrian gift-bringer) that’s rushing past in a hurry - it’s a horse-drawn sleigh that’s inviting you to go on a ride through the enchanting winter landscape. The horse’s breath forms little clouds in the winter air, it’s freezing cold and the land is covered with a thick layer of snow. Now it’s time to snuggle up in the back under the thick warm blanket and start a romantic sleigh ride.

Your hosts are happy to show you the winter wonderland surrounding their farm. Cuddle up to your loved ones and enjoy the heavenly white peace. If you’re lucky, you can spot animals making their way through the snow.

Check out our farms that offer horse-drawn carriage rides. They may have a sleigh as well and love to give you a ride through the snow if the weather conditions allow so!

Schneemann steht in Winterlandschaft in Hüttau | © Urlaub am Bauernhof / Hans Huber

4. Building Snowmen

Two chestnuts as eyes, a branchlet as the mouth. The farmer gives you a carrot that you add as a nose. You still need a hip hat. The farmer’s wife is willing to help out and lets go of an old loden hat. Is there anything missing? Poor him!

The kids go and fetch some hay from the barn. Now, the snowman even has hair. Everyone’s happy with the new mate on the farm. Maybe he finds a wife tomorrow ...?

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Urlaub am Bauernhof Niederösterreich