Ready, steady, go ... adventure playground for the whole family is awaiting you! A family holiday on the farm in Austria offers everything the heart desires, for every family member. Take some time off with your loved ones, surrounded by cows and horses grazing leisurely on the pastures, cackling hens and cute kittens. This is the ideal place to take a deep breath and relax. Do you also think so? Then choose your favourite family farm in Austria! Plenty of family-friendly farms and certified farms for babies and kids are inviting you to spend your holiday. Your hosts are looking forward to welcoming you, at a reasonable price!


Brettljause mit Brot, Käse, Weintrauben und Apfelscheiben auf dem Holztisch | © Urlaub am Bauernhof in Österreich / Pascal Baronit

We can make one promise already:

radiant smiles and children’s eyes beaming with joy are part of an unforgettable summer holiday on the farm with the family. They are part of the deal just like the crumbs on the apple pie.


Qualität & Vertrauen

  • Alles Kindgerecht

    Cots, high-chairs and potties - all included!

  • Spielen und Toben

    Here, you can play indoors and outdoors

  • Sicherheit

    Relaxing holidays for the young and old alike

Mädchen im pinken Dirndl fotografiert Ziegen mit Spielzeugkamera | © Urlaub am Bauernhof Kärnten / Tom Lamm

Fun Activities for All Ages

 Are you ready for jolly adventures in the sunshine or splashy fun in picturesque natural lakes? That’s part of the programme during your family holiday on the farm. A lot of farms are located close to natural lakes, shimmering turquoise waters of drinking water quality. If you’re lucky, you might see a carp or a frog swimming in the lake.

Not only do you need to pack your swimwear. Hiking boots and cycling shorts will also come in handy during your family holiday in Vorarlberg. A large network of cycle paths is the basis for great fun on two wheels for parents and children alike. On a number of farms, you can sleep close to a cycle path. Do you prefer to leisurely pedal the plains or more demanding cycle routes? It’s a tough choice! When your legs need a break from cycling, there are a lot of themed walks that invite you for a stroll through the woods. Or are you in the mood for pitching in on the farm?

In fact, you only need to do one thing: choose your favourite farm and immerse yourself in a family paradise during your farm holidays in Vorarlberg!

Kind sitzt am Traktor | © Urlaub am Bauernhof Kärnten / Daniel Gollner

Side by Side with the Farmers

Grooming the horses, milking the cows, trying to catch the hens or picking blackberries: farming involves various tasks. There are plenty of jolly activities that will make especially the young guests happy. The cow really goes “moo”. The bunnies are within your grasp and you can pet them instead of just watching them hop in a picture book or on the screen. Fruit and vegetables taste especially good because you’ve harvested and prepared them yourself. You can help the farmer wash the carefully picked berries and fruit and make a pot of delectable jam. The next morning, at breakfast, you can taste it by adding a thick layer on the home-made rye bread: you take a hearty bite and go “mmh, that’s tasty!” That makes the farmers smile.

A family holiday in Austria can be wonderfully relaxing, is light on the budget and very informative. You can decide to what extent you can or want to lend the farmers a hand. Support your hosts and learn about the daily life of a farmer! In the future, you might want to spend more time on holiday in Austria - on farms that uphold values and traditions and that offer affordable holidays for families!


Any Questions? Contact Us! Get Some Personal Advice

Das Team vom Landesverband Urlaub am Bauernhof Vorarlberg | © Lk-Vbg / Müller-Vögel

Urlaub am Bauernhof Vorarlberg

Holidays on the Farm in Vorarlberg