Holidays for Food Lovers in Austria Fancy Tasty Treats from the Farm?

It’s been a while since your last holidays? When you close your eyes, you imagine yourself lounging in the deck chair ... but you’re still breathing the air of everyday life, the air of the city? The last couple of months have worn you out? How about a holiday for food lovers on a traditional farm surrounded by nature? Look forward to plenty of space that allows you and your loved ones to move freely. Stay in an inherently secure setting.

3 Kinder sitzen auf Gartenbank unsd essen Äpfel | © Urlaub am Bauernhof Vorarlberg / Ludwig Berchtold

Farm Holidays in Vorarlberg- Tradition meets Well-Being

It’s been a while since your last holidays? When you close your eyes, you imagine yourself lounging in the deck chair ... but you’re still breathing the air of everyday life, the air of the city? Are you exhausted after weeks of constraints and confinement? How about a holiday for food lovers on a rustic farm surrounded by nature? Look forward to plenty of space that allows you and your loved ones to move freely.

Stay in an inherently secure setting. The air is fragrant with the smell of grass, crickets are chirping, trees that are laden with fruit spend shade and a hearty snack is laid out on the wooden table. Can it get any better than this? Streaky bacon, home-made golden butter, strong cheese and crisp radishes from the farmer’s garden ... Delight your taste buds during your holiday for food lovers on a farm in Austria! 

Pamper yourself and your palate, take leisurely strolls or cycle in the heart of Austria: discover the culinary delights from the region, excellent products from the fields and the barn, and let your hosts on the family farms give you a treat! Everything that grows in the organic farmers’ gardens is organic. The traditional production cycle guarantees that the food does not contain any artificial additives. Here, you only get the very best, all being locally grown.

Quality & Trust

  • Urlaub mit Mehrwert

    Discover the secrets of nature

  • Bauernhofleben

    On the farm, you are part of it!

  • Natur erleben

    Animals and plants to touch and smell

Mädchen isst aus einer Pfanne mit Kaiserschmarren | © Urlaub am Bauernhof Oberösterreich / Pascal Baronit

Reasons for a Holiday for Food Lovers on the Farm 1. Like back then - indulgence on the farm is based on traditions and true values:

Sustainable, fair and organic: three terms that stand for a traditional and real farm holiday in Austria. Get to know an authentic lifestyle during your holiday. As intensively as nowhere else, on our family farms in Austria.

The farmers give you an insight into their daily lives. If you like, you can lend them a hand and pitch right in.

This way, you can be sure that you know where it comes from, the carrot that is served with some yoghurt sauce. Or which herbs make the tea in your mug have such a tangy smell. And you can be sure that the eggs used for the yellow sponge cake come from happy hens.

In das rohe Brot wird ein Stempel gedrückt | © Landesverband Urlaub am Bauernhof Kärnten/ Achim Mandler

2. Freedom and a sustainable lifestyle during your holiday for food lovers on the farm:

Get out of your four walls and hit the countryside! Your farm holiday in Austria is awaiting you. Awe-inspiring mountain ranges, endless expanses and spectacular forests surround the spacious farms.

Feel free as a bird! Confinement is yesterday’s story. A holiday for food lovers offers plenty of space and tempting culinary delights

Ein kleiner Junge streichelt ein Kalb im Winter | © Urlaub am Bauernhof / Andreas Künk

3. A holiday for food lovers on a farm in Austria is also easy on the wallet:

You don’t have to go to great expense if you’re seeking indulgence and relaxation. Holidays for food lovers on Austrian farms offer not only plenty of options for leisure activities and relaxation.

This year’s summer holidays will be all about freedom and pure joy ... at a reasonable price. Support traditional Austrian family farms and their kind and warm-hearted hosts!

Farms Offering Half-Board Put your cooking spoon aside for a while

gedeckter Tisch mit Jause am Archehof in Kärnten | © Urlaub am Bauernhof

A Peek into the Farmer's Kitchen

You have arrived on the farm, on your well-deserved holiday for food lovers. Lean back and relax. Watch the colourful butterflies land on the sweet-smelling flowers of lilac while you listen to the meditative sound of busy bees humming in the garden. Meanwhile, the friendly cow Lisa grazes nearby, keeping you company. Revel in the variety of options! A holiday for food lovers on a farm in Austria will be the highlight of your summer holidays.

If you feel like it, you can spend your morning in the fields or the vegetable and herb garden. Return to the farmer’s kitchen with a well-stocked basket. 

There’s a lot going on in the farmer's kitchen, also in winter. Peek over the farmer’s shoulder and look how she’s turning last year’s harvest, canned or dried fruit and vegetables, into wintry delights. A lot of these culinary treats have become an integral part of winter and Christmas traditions. Preparing these traditional dishes together with your farmer and host is something very special.


Farms with a Cider Tavern or Snack Station Indulge in the local cuisine of Vorarlberg

It’s the signature dish of Vorarlberg: ‘Kässpätzle’, a type of fresh pasta with grated cheese. An absolute delight!

Andrea Huber, currently on maternity leave

Find the perfect farm for your holiday in Vorarlberg. Free brochure available in German. 

Order your gift voucher now, print it at home and send it to someone special. It’s not just a holiday, it’s the pure joy of life!

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Das Team vom Landesverband Urlaub am Bauernhof Vorarlberg | © Lk-Vbg / Müller-Vögel

Urlaub am Bauernhof Vorarlberg

Holidays on the Farm in Vorarlberg

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