Montafon Valley Combining Traditional and Modern Spirits

Silvretta, Rätikon and Verwall - these three mountain ranges delimit the high alpine valley and its 11 villages. The scenic drive along the “Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße” that winds up the mountain at the head of the valley will take your breath away. Marvel at Vorarlberg’s highest mountain, the Piz Buin (3,312m). The traditional farm houses here are real eye catchers made of stone and wood. The locals care a lot about their regional identity. Here, tourism and agriculture go hand in hand. The warm-hearted inhabitants of the Montafon valley are always in for a friendly conversation.


Quality & Trust

  • Enjoy a carefree holiday and immerse yourself in nature

  • Contact the farms directly via e-mail or phone

  • Your health is our utmost priority

© Urlaub am Bauernhof Vorarlberg / Ludwig Berchtold

One Valley. Many Impressions.

The scenic drive along the “Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße” that winds up the mountain at the head of the valley will take your breath away. Marvel at Vorarlberg’s highest mountain, the Piz Buin (3,312m). The traditional farm houses here are real eye catchers made of stone and wood. The locals care a lot about their regional identity. Here, tourism and agriculture go hand in hand. The warm-hearted inhabitants of the Montafon valley are always in for a friendly conversation.

Montafon | © Montafon

High up in the mountains, at an altitude of 1,000m and beyond, it’s customary to engage in a friendly conversation with strangers without hesitation. For us, this is normal, also down in the valley. Yes, in the Montafon valley, we care about each other.

Montafon Tourismus

Find Your Holiday Destination Regions in Vorarlberg

  • Lake Constance

    Mountain and lake, culture and art await you in the Lake Constance region from Bregenz to Feldkirch.

  • Bregenz Forest

    Experience nature, customs, architecture and handicrafts, culinary delicacies, sports activities and much more, invite you to an enjoyable vacation in the Bregenzerforest.

  • Kleinwalsertal Valley

    Whether big or small - your Walser Buura have the right offer for you in summer and winter. Whether active, enjoyable, eventful, personal, close to nature, entertaining, vital, sociable, just as you like and tailored to your own rhythm.

  • Alpenregion Bludenz Region

    Close to nature and family-friendly, the region presents itself with the Brandnertal, the Alpenstad Bludenz, the Klostertal and the Große Walsertal.

  • Montafon Valley

    Mountain herbs, solstice bonfires, alpine driving down, winter sports - the vacation paradise for pleasure seekers in the Montafon mountains.

  • In der Arlbergregion gibt es leider keine Urlaub am Bauernhof Betriebe.Unfortunately there are no farm vacations in the Arlberg region

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Any Questions? Contact Us! Farm Holidays in Vorarlberg

Das Team vom Landesverband Urlaub am Bauernhof Vorarlberg | © Lk-Vbg / Müller-Vögel

Urlaub am Bauernhof Vorarlberg

Holidays on the Farm in Vorarlberg

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